Beginners Mindfulness & Positive Psychology Course
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This 6 Week Course is for anyone who wishes to take some time for themselves to stop, pause, and slow down without the distractions of a to do lists, social media, work, family life etc,. This course creates a space for you to just ‘be’ while learning how to practice mindfulness & bring it into their daily personal and professional lives.
It is ideal for anyone that is a beginner and has never practice mindfulness, or if you have dipped in and out of Mindfulness and are looking for a way to building a regular practice.
The best investment you will ever make is in your own health.
What better way to invest in your mental, emotional, and physical well-being while learning Mindful tools complemented with Positive Psychology techniques that have evidence-based benefits to help you lead a more positive life while combining this learning with time to yourself, some deep relaxation, and learning how to ‘let go’ of any stresses, worries or anxieties that you may be carrying within yourself.