
What Is Mindfulness?

“Mindfulness is the awareness that comes from paying attention in a particular way, on purpose in that present moment and non-judgementally”.

Jon Kabat Zinn (founder of MBSR ‘Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction’ programme)

Mindfulness is paying attention and having awareness of what’s happening within the mind and body as it happens right here, right now, while paying attention to what emotions and feelings arise without judging or criticising them and showing an attitude of kindness to ourselves as we experience it in the present moment.

Mindfulness takes us out of “automatic pilot” where we are often caught up in a stream of habitual thinking, to do lists, ruminating, worrying, stressing about the past or worrying about the future.

We are often unaware of this flow of thinking and the deep effect it has on how we live our lives, as well on our mental and emotional health.

We have absolutely no control of what has happened in the past or what will happen in the future, but we have control of right now The present moment.

Through practicing mindfulness overtime, we can change and build a better relationship with our thoughts and catch them before they spiral into a whirlwind of negativity, stress, worry etc.

What mindfulness is not:

Mindfulness is not sitting cross legged in complete silence with not a care in the world floating in a picturesque surrounding.

It’s not complete relaxation; it’s not secular; it’s not about getting rid of thoughts; it’s not about being calm all the time.

 Mindfulness is about being present in our everyday lives.

How do we practice Mindfulness?

Formal practice

Meditation or yoga – carving out and taking some time out of your day (up to 30mins) to do some intentional form of meditation/yoga. 

Informal practice

What can you do with the other 23.5 hours? – Simply bring easy Mindful activities into as many of your daily activities as much as possible.

Mindfulness Benefits

There are many reputable research studies that show Mindfulness not only benefits our Mental wellbeing but our emotional, and physical well-being also.

Here are just a few of the benefits found in these scientific studies:

Reduces Stress and Anxiety Levels

Embrace mindfulness to unwind the knots of stress and anxiety. Through mindful practices, discover a calm sanctuary within, fostering a serene response to life’s challenges.

Improve our moods

Elevate daily moods through mindfulness, cultivating a positive outlook and emotional balance. Experience the transformative power of mindfulness in enhancing your overall well-being.

Improves Our Physical Health - Lowers Blood Pressure/Increases Immune System

Nurture your body with mindfulness. Witness the positive impact on physical health—lower blood pressure and a strengthened immune system—fostering a resilient and vibrant well-being.

Improves Memory Function, Working Memory, Creativity, Attention Span

Sharpen cognitive prowess through mindfulness. Enhance memory, working memory, creativity, and attention span, unveiling the cognitive benefits that mindfulness can bring to your mental acuity.

Increased Emotional Regulation

Develop emotional resilience through mindfulness. Learn to navigate and regulate your emotions, fostering a balanced and composed response to life’s emotional complexities.

Aids Better Sleep Patterns

Embrace restorative sleep with mindfulness. Create a tranquil space within, promoting better sleep patterns and a rejuvenated mind and body for optimal well-rested vitality.

Improve Our Relationships with Ourselves and with Others

Cultivate deeper connections through mindfulness. Strengthen the bond with yourself and others, fostering empathy, understanding, and mindful communication for enriched relationships.

Talk With Me Today!

Engage in mindful conversation today, let’s share thoughts and connect.

Benefits of mindfulness in young people

Here are some of the many benefits of mindfulness in young people:

• Focus improved.
• Attention levels increased.
• Increase in kindness.
• Patience improved.
• Compassion grew.
• Young people experience more awareness of their body, thoughts and emotions.
• Young people experience less test anxiety.
• Impulse control and interpersonal skills improved.
• Sense of Wellbeing increased.
• Tendency towards worrying decreased.
• Anxiety and stress reduced.
• Reactivity and bad behaviour declined.
• Improvement in sleep quality.
• Enhanced self-esteem.
• Increased calmness and sense of relaxation.
• Greater levels of self-regulation and awareness.

• Enhanced cognitive development and performance skills.
• Greater levels of attention and focus.
• Reduced levels of ADHD behaviour.
• Enhanced sense of connection with nature.
• Improved resilience, confidence, and motivation.
• Increased levels of optimism and positive emotions.
• Decrease in aggression and oppositional behaviour.
• Enhanced social skills.
• Improved academic performance.
• Reduction in negative self-belief.
• Improvements in Executive Function, which is a key predictor of academic success.
• Increases in personal goal achievement.
• Greater trust in friends.
• Reduction in depression and anxiety.
• Improved self-care.
• Decreased substance abuse (in adolescents in clinical setting).

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What Is Positive Psychology?

Traditionally psychology focuses on people’s problems and how to solve them whereas positive psychology studies happiness, this is not to be confused with positive thinking. It offers steps and tools to increase our happiness levels by creating more heartfelt, genuinely enjoyable experiences, the more happy experiences we have the more we are paying attention to them so as we increase our positive experiences we are trampling over those negatives ones and cultivating positive self- talk, positive emotions, positive relationships, all while focusing on our strengths and giving a sense of purpose to lead a more fulfilling & satisfying life.

Mindfulness and positive psychology complement each other in so many ways, a lot of positive psychology research to promote happiness and well-being are drawn from Mindfulness.

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Transform your life with mindfulness and positive pyschology . Book your spot with me today or if you’d like to chat to discuss or begin your journey of self-discovery, balance, and lasting well-being.

Call 086 8732210 to schedule


086 8732210


Galway, Clare, Limerick



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